IT SERIES(เครื่องชั่งน้ำหนัก)

3 Range, Check Weight, Count

3 Range
You do not need to prepare multiple scales. Good weighing for different purposes can be done effectively.

Check the weight
When setting up more and less weight control, this machine helps to control the quantity of products, such as product selection, to check the quantity of products packed.

Can count quickly. The weight per piece is calculated automatically by placing the sample on a specified number of weighing platforms.

Journal printer Journal printer + RS-232C outputs RS-232C outputs Relay box Roller platform (front/side loading) *1 Long pole ?2 Level cover Separated mounting stand Desktop/wall-mount stand
Bright fluorescent tube display
Fluorescent tubes make the display contents easy to see, even in dim working conditions.Journal paper printing (optional)
The work results can be printed with the built-in printer.
RS-232C outputs (available only with the AC adapter) Roller platform (front/side loading) *1 Long pole *2 AC adapter Level cover Separated mounting stand Desktop/wall-mount stand
Two power supplies
Either dry batteries or an AC power supply can be used. The auto power off function turns off the power supply after a certain period of time.